At Restore Church Plymouth we believe in tithes and offerings. Tithes are the first 10% of our income that should be given into the local church where you belong - the first fruit which belongs to God. Offerings are where we give over and above our tithe out of a spirit of generosity, trusting that God will multiply these seeds.

There are many ways in which you can give into the life of the church and they are:


Standing Order

To regularly give each month you can setup a standing order by going into your bank or through your online banking system/app. Please use the bank details below to setup your standing order.

Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-12-74
Account 01004910

Bank Transfer

If you wish to do a bank transfer, please use the below details.

Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-12-74
Account 01004910

Sunday Cash in the Bucket

Each Sunday during our services we give opportunity to bring our tithes and offerings to the Lord. If you prefer to give via cash you can do this Sunday mornings during the service when the offering buckets come around.

We want to thank each individual that gives into the life of Restore Church Plymouth, and we pray that you know the blessing of God in your life.